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Mama, Will You Hold My Hand? 妈妈,你会永远牵着我的手吗? As the sun came down behind the bramble bushes Sammy asked, “Mama, are you there?” 当太阳渐渐落到荆棘树后面的时候,萨米问:“妈妈,你在那里吗?” “I’ m right here,”said Mama. “我在这儿呢,”妈妈回答。 Over a rickety bridge Sammy asked, “Mama, will you hold my hand?” 走过一个摇摇晃晃的浮桥时,萨米问,“妈妈,你会牵着我的手吗?” “I’ll hold your hand and you’ll hold mine, and we’ll go everywhere together,” said Mama. “我会牵着你的手,你也会牵着我的手,不管去哪里,我们都会在一起,”妈妈回答。 “To the edge of the world?”asked Sammy. “到世界的边缘?”萨米问道。 “To the ends of the earth,” said Mama. “到地球的尽头”,妈妈说。 “ Over marshy meadows… 跨过沼泽草甸… Where the night is still… 黑夜似乎没有尽头… Into muddy puddles… 淌过泥泞的水坑… Out among the treasures… 经过大片宝藏… Under swirling skies… 在旋转的星空下… Into sneaky shadows… 走进简陋的小屋… Under ruby feathers… 在红宝石的羽毛下… Down the deepest river… 潜入最深的河里… Over slippery places… 跨过湿滑的地方… Into wavy waters… 跳入泛着波纹的水中… To the brightest star… 去摘最明亮的星星… Up the highest mountain… 去征服最高的山峰… On a rainbow’s tail… 追寻彩虹的踪迹… In your wildest dreams… 在你最广阔的梦想中… To another would.” 到另一个世界。 “Mama, will we never let go?” whispered Sammy. “妈妈,我们永远不会松开手吗?”萨米低声说。 Mama smiled. “We’ll always be together.” 妈妈笑了,“我们会永远在一起。“